Tip 1: Increase visibility during the day
One thing can only rarely be avoided: if you ride a bike, you (also) use roads. The easier it is for drivers to recognise you, the safer you are on the road – whether it is day or night. During the day, this works best with bright, fluorescent clothing. These colours reflect sunlight, making them appear very bright in daylight. But remember: streetlights and headlights do not have the same effect as sunbeams. Therefore, this clothing offers little protection at night.
Tip 2: Reflective clothing at dusk
We recommend reflective clothing for those, who plan to ride their bikes in the dark. Safety vests, for instance, also glow in artificial light and thus draw the attention of drivers to you. Even if these may not win a beauty award visually, they serve their purpose and minimise the risk of being overlooked. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also add reflective features to your knees and ankles. So nothing stands in the way of a low-risk bike tour at night.
Tip 3: Working lights
You probably know that too: after the winter break, we tend to forget to check the functionality of the bike lights. And why should we, as we usually ride during the day. And since there is no obligation to use headlights during the day and when visibility is good, they are often not checked. But you should still check the lights on your bike before every bike ride, no matter what time of the day. The rear light may flash red and the front light must be solid white. Both may be detachable, but we recommend them because you never know when the weather will change and you will be out longer than expected. The bike lights not only increase your visibility, but also help you see better in the dark.
Tip 4: Give clear signals and obey traffic rules
Tip 5: Wear a helmet
Wearing a bicycle helmet can save lives in an accident! A wrong breaking maneuver or another careless road user is often enough for a serious accident to occur. And even if in Austria helmets are only compulsory for cyclists up to the age of 12, the bike helmet is rcommended for every age group. That is why we have the saying: If you have a brain, protect it! Therefore wear a helmet and prevent worse!
Tip 6: No distraction
If you are a road user, you drive or ride more safely if you are aware of the surrounding noise. So do not let music distract you through headphones and it is better to avoid music on busy cycle paths or streets altogether. Our suggestion: enjoy the pleasant silence and the sounds of nature while cycling. You should also refrain from making phone calls and texting while riding, as this is actually a criminal offence. Violations can result in a fine of between 50 and 70 Euros. However, with a hands-free system you can use your mobile phone quite legally. This means that you can also use the Eurobike App featuring voice assistance without any problems. This app suggests the route to you like the navigation device in the car.
Tip 7: Bike-check before the tour
New cars have to be serviced every three years, older models every year. Although this is not mandatory for bikes, we would still like to recommend the bike inspection to you. Breaks, lights, tyre pressure, etc. should be checked before a longer bike ride. This check can easily be performed at home. For all those who are not amateur mechanics: the tyre check is available in specialist workshops at reasonable prices. Especially before the first bike tour in spring, you should check your bike thoroughly again or have it checked.