Sustainability & environmental awareness at Eurobike


Growing globalisation, the ever-faster pace of daily life and the effects of our actions on the climate are an omnipresent topic – a topic that affects us all and which we can no longer simply turn a blind eye to. Each of us makes environmentally relevant decisions every day, choosing methods of transport, buying products, books a holiday and maybe we don’t think much about it – after all, it has always been so. But maybe it is this particular food that has a thousand kilometres behind it before it lands on your plate, the cleaning product you always used because grandma did, or the weekend short-trip to New York, which is super cheap but anything but good for the environment?

Climate awareness at Eurobike and Eurohike

Think again and act now!

We at Eurobike, we have put a lot of thought into sustainability and climate-conscious action and integrated it as an essential part of our everyday office life. Over the past years we have made many environmentally friendly decisions and have already achieved a lot – we are proud of that. Today we want to tell you about our climate-conscious everyday office life and about the measures that ensure conservation of precious natural resources. After all, it concerns us all!

Our actions: Climate-conscious everyday office life

Every day counts - that is our sustainability motto for a conscious and environmentally friendly Eurobike office. Each of our teams contributes something to this climate-conscious everyday life. We’ll tell you how this works and what sustainability means for us in daily life.

Joscha takes his bike to work

Climate-conscious commute

Let’s start where work begins for us every day: the journey to our office in Obertrum am See. Many employees in our company travel – as far as this is reasonably possible – by foot or by bike. And there are some team members who take on a few, some even a lot, of bike altitude metres early in the morning. Another option for environmentally friendly travel is car sharing, here too, many colleagues are true champions and look forward to a nice chat on the way to work. So we can all keep moving, we offer the possibility to borrow Eurobike bikes free of charge, therefore providing plenty of resource-saving activity in the fresh air in our free time.

Home office as a climate-friendly working possibility

Since last year, the home office has become an increasingly important topic. A new way of working that we will continue to use in some areas in the future – because in this way we also contribute to avoiding pollution on the way to work. When we’ve arrived in our office in Obertrum am See, we look at our newly designed car park. In order to integrate this area into the natural landscape in the green paradise of the Salzburg Lake District, plenty of trees were planted and every single tree does something good for the environment. The first steps towards sustainability have already been taken in our fleet of vehicles. Not all trips can be taken by foot or by bike, so we switched to our first electric vehicle. Furthermore, in the area of logistics, we are investigating additional possibilities to rely on electromobility – after all, we can also supply these vehicles with energy with our own electricity. In line with our motto ‘the best kilometre is one cycled or walked’, we try to organise our trips very consciously in order to avoid unnecessary exhaust emissions.

Sustainability in the office: day by day

Our Eurohike office with a lot of natural light

This is how a sustainable and resource-saving everyday office life works. Here, all employees pull together and ensure the important implementation of waste separation. The whole lot is recycled and plastic, paper, aluminium and residual waste are carefully separated from one another. A particularly environmentally friendly measure was taken a few years ago with the ‘paperless’ office. Consciously ask yourself whether this or that document really has to be printed out? Mostly the answer is no, especially in today’s digital world. For the office lights, we have switched to energy saving lights and wherever possible, daylight is used as a light source as much as possible. Another great idea arose with the renovation of the office building. Much of the old furniture was not simply thrown away – we ‘upcycled’ it and found a nice place for it in our new office.

Johanna takes care of a hygienic office life with our sustainable cleansing materials

After a long day at the office, all employees are very grateful when Johanna, our cleaning fairy, ensures cleanliness and order. Only environmentally friendly cleaning products from the Austrian brand Sowana are used.

We have been using a photovoltaic system to generate electricity for more than ten years, and it has been expanded twice. A solar system is used for hot water. On sunny days, the entire building can be supplied with electricity. Thanks to the planned expansion to include battery storage, this energy source can also be used during days with less sunshine in the future.

Fresh fruits and yoghurt from the region

Regional and quality products on the plate

In everyday office life the culinary sustainability is ensured with a focus on quality and regionality. These include the organic apples from the organic farmer Thomas Wallner from Seeham, the yoghurts in glass jars from ‘Buachberger’s Mili’ in Mattsee and the wonderful local lunch from Trumer Schmankerlhof for our team.

When it comes to birthday and Christmas gifts for our team, the focus is on regional added value and our employees are always very happy with products from the region. It’s really nice to see that for many in our team the topic of sustainability is firmly anchored in their thinking and has become a way of life.

We agree!

A successful, resource-saving and environmentally conscious everyday office life definitely works, if you are aware of the importance of this topic and want to contribute to the respectful treatment of our unique natural landscape now and in the future. Even if that is only a small contribution to a new way of thinking, we are proud of our actions in our climate-conscious daily office life, which is altogether more economical, ecological and socially acceptable.