Passau – Vienna – Passau, MS SE-Manon


Reisen mit Rad und Schiff sind bei vielen Radfreunden besonders beliebt. Am Rad die wunderschöne Natur entlang der Donau genießen und dabei immer vom „schwimmenden Hotel“ – der MS SE Manon – begleitet werden. Das bietet Ihnen Eurobike mit dieser Rad- und Schiffsreise von der Drei-Flüsse-Stadt Passau, über die Viertel Ober- und Niederösterreichs, bis in die Donaumetropole Wien und wieder zurück. Genießen Sie am Rad die beeindruckende Donaulandschaft und lassen Sie sich mit zahlreichen regionalen Köstlichkeiten verwöhnen, allen voran die delikaten Qualitätsweine der Wachau, sowie herzhafte Knödelspezialitäten oder süffiger Most. Nach einer gemütlichen Radtour entlang der Donau erreichen Sie schließlich die Weltstadt Wien, welche 2019 zum zehnten Mal in Folge zur lebenswertesten Stadt weltweit gekürt wurde.

Weltmetropole und Zentrum der Musik: Im Dreivierteltakt durch Wien

Zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten warten nur darauf bei einer Stadtrundfahrt mit dem Fahrrad entdeckt zu werden. Tauchen Sie ein in die längst vergangene Zeit des Habsburger Reiches und besuchen Sie einige der über 27 Schlösser und 150 Palais. Historische Prachtbauten, wie der gotisches Stephansdom, die imperiale Hofburg, die Jugendstilpracht der Secession oder das berühmte Barockschloss Schönbrunn bis hin zum Rathaus und Natur- oder Kunsthistorischen Museum, lassen Sie das Flair des ehemaligen Kaisertums hautnah spüren.

In der Welthauptstadt der Musik erwartet Sie auch ein vielfältiges kulturelles Angebot von Walzer, Operette und Oper bis zu Musical oder Sinfoniekonzerten. Entspannung finden Sie in den gemütlichen Kaffeehäusern, den urtypischen Heurigen der Vorstadt oder im Wiener Prater mit seinem berühmten Riesenrad. Die Wiener Küche bietet wahre Gaumenfreuden und rundet ihre Radtour mit abwechslungsreichen Spezialitäten ab.


  • 8 Days / 7 Nights
  • Self-guided Tour
  • Mindestteilnehmeranzahl: 80 Personen
Elena Pötzelsberger
Elena Pötzelsberger
+43 6219 60866 135 Contact
To the online version


Boat trip: Passau – Engelhartszell

Arrival in the "Three River City". Passau attracts many with the world's greatest church organ at the Stephansdom and its charming Old Town. Embarkation will be around 4:00 pm, departure around 7 pm. Enjoy your first dinner on board and an evening sail to Engelhartszell.

Boattrip: to Linz

The day starts in Engelhartszell (the only Trappist monastery in Austria), where we head towards the "Great Loop" - one of the most beautiful and original sectors of the Danube. Your cycling will encounter small villages and cosy must-see taverns. You'll board again in Untermühl. Then, you "sail into the night" towards Bratislava.

Shipping: Linz Mauthausen
You have the possibility to visit the memorial-place KZ-Mauthausen. The Celtic town Mitterkirchen gives you an insight of the past. The route continues through the fertile area of the Machland region. The destination of the day's stage is the charming town of Grein. Also called “the pearl of the Strudengau” due to its idyllic location. Worth a visit in Grein: the impressive Castle of Greinburg.

Bike tour: Grein – Melk | Boat trip: Melk – Tulln
Today's stage is marked by a diverse landscape. At the beginning, there is the Strudengau – a narrow point of the Danube which used to be notorious amongst skippers. The valley expands from Persenbeug and the bike tour leads you further to Melk with its gorgeous baroque monastery of the Benedictine brethren. On deck, you enjoy the sunset and the beautiful evening illumination of the Wachau. At night shipping to Tulln, famous for its numerous market gardens where the famous Art Nouveau artist Egon Schiele was born..

Right in front of Vienna's entrance, embedded in a breathtaking landscape, the monastery of Klosterneuburg is situated. You can already see the cupola of this 900-year-old baroque building from a distance. "Kahlenbergerdorf" with it's wine taverns is definitely worth a visit. After a stroll through the vineyards, you can enjoy the panoramic view over Vienna.

You should be sure to see the most famous places of interest like the St. Stephens Cathedral and the Hofburg, the gorgeous boulevard "Ringstraβe" with the Burgtheater, the State Opera House or the town hall that takes you back to the past. Take your time in the afternoon to stroll or visit one of the famous Viennese coffee bars. In the night shipping to Rossatz or Dürnstein.

Bike tour: Wachau – Pöchlarn | Boat trip: Pöchlarn – Passau (night)

Your last biking day is a special highlight! Amidst small dreamy villages, apricot trees, vineyards, castles, monasteries and ruins, this gentle hilly landscape enchants everybody. A powerful ruin looms above the small Baroque town of Dürnstein, while the blue tower of the monastery church is a landmark of Wachau. In the evening farewell dinner and cocktail.

Every journey draws to an end. Arrival in Passau is about 11 am, disembarkation half an hour later.

Tour character

Der gut ausgebaute Donauradweg führt durch flaches Gelände ohne nennenswerte Steigungen und ist für jedermann geeignet. Und wer eine Pause braucht, bleibt einfach einen Tag auf dem Schiff und genießt die Landschaft vom Sonnendeck aus.

Prices and events

All data for 2024 at a glance
Place of arrival: Passau
  Season 1
12.07.2024 | 19.07.2024 | 16.08.2024 | 23.08.2024 |
Arrival Friday
Bike & boat Passau-Vienna - MS SE-Manon - main deck, 8 days, DE-DOSWM-08I-H
Base price
Surcharge 2-bed-cabin single use 50%
Bike & boat Passau-Vienna - MS SE-Manon - upper deck, 8 days, DE-DOSWK-08I-O
Base price
Surcharge 2-bed-cabin single use 50%
Bike & boat Passau-Vienna - MS SE-Manon - middle deck, 8 days, DE-DOSWM-08I-M
Base price
Surcharge 2-bed-cabin single use 50%
Season 1
Jul 12, 2024 | Jul 19, 2024 | Aug 16, 2024 | Aug 23, 2024 |
Arrival Friday
Bike & boat Passau-Vienna - MS SE-Manon - main deck, 8 days, DE-DOSWM-08I-H
Base price
Surcharge 2-bed-cabin single use
Bike & boat Passau-Vienna - MS SE-Manon - upper deck, 8 days, DE-DOSWK-08I-O
Base price
Surcharge 2-bed-cabin single use
Bike & boat Passau-Vienna - MS SE-Manon - middle deck, 8 days, DE-DOSWM-08I-M
Base price
Surcharge 2-bed-cabin single use
7-gear with back brake
7-gear with freewheel
Electric bike with freewheel
E-Bike with back brake
Surcharge own bike/electric bike
Prices per person in EUR

Services and infos



  • 7 nights in outside cabins with private facilities in the booked cabin category
  • Programme according itinerary from/to Passau
  • All passenger fees and port fees
  • Captains greeting and Welcome-Drink
  • Daily cabin cleaning. Changing of towels and bed cloths as necessary.
  • Full meals: 7x breakfast, 6x packed lunch for cyclists or lunch snack on board (non cyclists), 6x afternoon
    coffee break, 6x 3-course-dinner and 1x farewell-dinner with farewell-drink
  • Daily informational meeting
  • Information pack with route book (one per cabin)
  • GPS tracks
  • Tour guide on board

Optional: Bring your own bike/ electric bike€ 29.- (on request only, limited number)


Arrival / parking / departure:

  • Passau main train station, approx. 5 km from the pier
  • Parking (fenced outdoor area) incl. Transfer to the boat and back € 78,- per week
    Parking garage incl. Transfer to the boat and back € 92,- per week
    (Bookable via website Se-Tours: )


  • Further important information about the package travel law and additional information about your bike and boat tour can be found hier!

Ihr Schiff

Contact & booking
Do you still have questions about the tour? We are happy to help and look forward to your inquiry.
Elena Pötzelsberger
"I will help you with the planning of your holidays with advice and action"
Elena Pötzelsberger, Travel specialist
Book now

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