A company birthday is not that different from a birthday for you and me. You organise a party (we will celebrate too. Stay tuned!), you remember anecdotes from the past (you can read our stories and our anniversary page) and you spend something on family, friends and colleagues. It was immediately clear that we wanted to give something to our Eurobike home town of Obertrum for our milestone birthday. Of course, it should have something to do with cycling and be a heartfelt thank you to the region in which we and our team have felt completely at home for many years.
And what would fit better than equipping the children at the Obertrum elementary school with new bike helmets for their cycling test. For safety when cycling is particularly important to us. The cycling test is offered in Austria to all 4th graders every year at the beginning of May. Anyone who has passed it can ride a bicycle along public roads without parents.
A very special anniversary campaign was born – now only cool bike helmets were needed!
4 months before the first gift presentation of the helmets to the pupils in Obertrum we started with preparations. Since there was still a lot to do so that the children could get their helmets on time before their cycling test in May. Around 50 pupils per year attend the 4th grade at Obertrum elementary school. That is why it quickly became clear that we would round up our 30-year company anniversary to 300 bike helmets. Because not only this year, but also in the years to come, we want to give the pupils a helmet for the cycling test. And so that the girls and boys can choose their favourite helmet, we have ordered pink and blue children’s bike helmets in two different sizes from our equipment partner UVEX. The only worry was: hopefully they can be delivered on time! When the car with the brand new UVEX bike helmets on board arrived in front of our warehouse in Obertrum at the beginning of April, the joy was immense. Now our gift campaign can finally start properly!
For the planning of the helmet handover presentation, we were able to rely on the support of Matthias Strasser from the Parents‘ Association of the Obertrum elementary school. He informed the school and parents and found the right date for us to present the donation. Shortly after Easter the time had come. Our white and blue Eurobike bus pulled up in front of the school, packed with children’s bike helmets. We wanted to surprise the children at the end of school. So there was great joy and excitement when the 4th graders saw our tables covered in pink and blue helmets. Our managing directors Verena Sonnenberg and Thomas Schmid tried out the helmets together with the children and chose the right model for everyone. After this successful start to our jubilee campaign, we are already looking forward to the years to come, when we will be able to present many more pupils with new helmets for their cycling tests.