Start your hiking day with Ayurveda

The key to a better quality of life, health and well-being

You’ve perhaps heard of the word Ayurveda. But what does Ayurveda actually mean? You might think of massages or healing treatments to strengthen body and mind. But the ancient Indian art of healing is much more than that. Ayurveda, also known as the "knowledge of life", serves the holistic health of us humans, which includes both our body and our mind. With the help of a regular daily routine, more quality of life and serenity are to be ensured, which at the same time also leads to a longer life.

We asked ourselves how exactly the Ayurvedic principle can be integrated into our daily lives and what tips and recipes can be used to make this ancient Indian principle suitable for everyday life. Read more now on our Eurohike HikingBlog.

Daily tips according to the Ayurvedic principles

In Ayurveda, nutrition is considered a preventive medicine and digestion plays an essential role. According to ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine, our body can only be strong and stable if our digestion is also balanced. In general, we should try to integrate these six tastes into our meals to ensure more balance from within: sweet, sour, spicy, salty, tart and bitter.

Even more tips and recommendations for a daily routine according to Ayurveda principles:

  • A daily routine with sufficient sleep and a healthy lifestyle, if possible.
  • Drink plenty of warm water throughout the day. It cleanses and supports our body.
  • If possible, eat freshly cooked, warm meals with regional-seasonal ingredients at set times and try to take breaks from eating for several hours.
  • Spend time in nature and quiet the mind.
  • Ensure regular exercise, whether on an individual hiking holiday or walking in the fresh air - the main thing is to move!
Hiker with panoramic view of the Osterhorn Group

Our Ayurvedic recipes for the perfect start to the day

What do we want? To start the hiking day with full energy and strength. Ayurvedic nutrition in the morning provides the ideal basis for a powerful and energetic hike, gets our digestive fire going and brings our body to "operating temperature". According to Ayurvedic principles, the first meal of the day should be taken between 07.00 and 09.00 in the morning. This is followed by the "hot phase" of the day, which is ideal for a soothing walk in nature. We will now tell you which recipes support our body in the best way.

  • Also, it is important to drink enough water and unsweetened tea. You can find more recipe tips for power drinks for hiking on our HikingBlog.
Quick and easy: Chia Bowl with fruits

The basis for a wholesome and healthy breakfast is guaranteed with this recipe. You can vary the ingredients or toppings according to your tastes and thus provide more variety at the breakfast table.

Ayurveda chia-bowl with fruits

Ingredients for 2 servings:

400ml almond milk (alternatively coconut or rice milk), 1 tbsp almond butter, 2 tbsp hemp seeds hulled, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp ginger powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 5 tbsp chia seeds, dates, cocoa nibs, fresh fruit such as bananas, apples, berries or other fruit of the region and season.


Mix the milk together with the almond butter, hemp seeds, cinnamon, ginger and turmeric powder in a bowl. Then add the chia seeds and mix well. Now pour into a closed container and place in the fridge overnight. The next morning, take it out of the fridge as soon as you get up to bring it to room temperature. Put it in a bowl, sprinkle with date pieces, cocoa nibs and the fresh fruit. Now you have an energy-rich breakfast that is guaranteed to add strength and power to your day of hiking.

Energy-packed: Hiking bread with avocado and tomatoes

This hearty breakfast provides a good portion of energy first thing in the morning and tastes simply delicious. You can find the basis for our hiking bread on our HikingBlog "Hiking time is baking season". With the gluten-free recipe alternative, you can find even more variety.

Fresh bread with avocado and tomatoes

Ingredients for 2 servings:

4 slices of hiking bread (or gluten-free bread), 1 ripe avocado, 1 lime, salt and pepper, tomatoes, chilli flakes or sunflower seeds as required.


The hiking bread is wonderful prepared and baked the day before. Place the avocado flesh in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and add the juice of one lime. Then mash it with a fork. Spread the avocado cream on the bread, top with tomato slices and sprinkle with chilli flakes or sunflower seeds if desired. Enjoy your meal!

Warming: Banana-Coconut Porridge

According to the Indian way of life, it is even better to have a warm breakfast in the morning. Not only is it easy on the stomach, but it also gets our metabolism going.

Ayurveda breakfast-bowl with chia seeds

Ingredients for 2 servings:

2 ripe bananas, 80g oats, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 handful sultanas (simply omit if desired), 300ml almond milk (or other plant drink), 200ml water, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp vanilla powder, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, coconut flakes, a pinch of ginger powder and cardamom powder.


Mash one banana with a fork and slice the second banana for the topping. Heat the mashed banana with the oats, chia seeds, sultanas, almond milk, sultanas and spices in a saucepan on the cooker very slowly and simmer gently for about 5 minutes. Please stir regularly! Divide the warm porridge into two bowls and garnish with the banana slices and coconut flakes. If you like, you can sweeten the dish with a little coconut blossom sugar or date syrup.

Our conclusion:

The principles according to Ayurveda, the "science of long life", should by no means cause you more stress in your life and it is not a case of strictly following all the tips. Rather, you should find a personal routine for yourself that helps you feel better physically and mentally, leading to better health, balance and ease. You will see, even small changes will soon ensure more well-being and the perfect start to your hiking day!