5 tips for more sustainability in the kitchen

This is how environmentally friendly cooking and enjoyment works

The topic of sustainability, environmental awareness and conserving resources is on everyone’s lips. Numerous tips and helpful suggestions ensure that people are encouraged to rethink. At best, these practical recommendations provide a little more awareness in everyday life and, for one or the other, a changed more environmentally friendly lifestyle. For instance, did you know that our diet causes one fifth of all greenhouse gases? That is a lot!

We took a closer look at sustainability and nutrition and researched a few simple ideas that are guaranteed to do good for our planet. These tips for a climate-friendly diet not only taste good to you, but also to our environment. Read now what you can do in the kitchen to make our environment sustainable, save money and conserve resources at the same time.

Buying seasonal foods regionally

Enjoy regional & seasonal

Let’s start immediately with buying and selecting the food. Consciously purchasing regional and consequently seasonal products can achieve a great deal. These foods are consumed in the same region where they are produced. Not only do regional foods taste particularly fresh, are of high quality, extremely flavoursome and full of nutrients. These products do not have to be transported over long distances, which is particularly climate-friendly. Anyone who buys regionally automatically eats seasonally and saves money. After all, only foods that are in season can be grown in the region.  Produce like this is grown more cheaply, does not have to be transported far and can generally be grown without additional irrigation or heating (greenhouses).

  • With this seasonal calendar you know exactly which fruits and vegetables are in season at what time all over Europe.

Selection of organic and plant-based products

Buying fruit and vegetables from the region

Numerous foods are contaminated with many pollutants in conventional cultivation. Therefore, the selection of organic products that can be grown without these pollutants plays an important role not only for our environment but also for us humans. For instance, potatoes, apples, spinach, lettuce, celery, strawberries or peaches are best bought with an organic certification, as these foods contain a particularly large number of harmful substances in conventional production. The situation is different with foods such as mushrooms, corn, asparagus, onions, cabbage, honeydew or watermelons – hardly any pesticides are used to grow these products and you can therefore enjoy them without hesitation even if they are not organic. It is just as important to consciously choose animal products and to always go back to purely plant-based foods. Farm animals are one of the key factors for the high CO2 emissions. According to a study by the Food Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), this industrial sector produces even more CO2 emissions than the entire transport industry. This should definitely inspire us to think, rethink and act.

Drinking tap water is sustainable

Environmentally friendly meal plan

Now we have bought regionally, seasonally and organic quality and pay attention to a plant-rich diet. Now it is time to plan the week. Ideally, a meal plan should be pre-planned for the entire week. So you know exactly what needs to be bought the next time you go shopping, it is easy on your wallet because nothing unnecessary ends up in the shopping cart and ensures stress-free cooking. It would be great to prepare your dishes fresh as often as possible. This is the only way to know exactly which products are being used. If there is still something in the fridge at the end of the week that urgently needs to be used up, then you can definitely conjure up something delicious with a creative dish made from leftover produce. Important: even if the best-before date may already have passed, it is advisable to open it, smell it and taste it. Most of these foods are still wonderfully edible after the official expiry date. Drinking tap water is particularly sustainable – it is not only healthy, it also saves money, waste and the tedious task of lugging around bottled drinks.

Vegetables from your own garden

Simply grow it yourself

Anyone who has the opportunity to grow fruit and vegetables themselves makes a significant contribution to more sustainability in the kitchen. Home-grown food not only tastes great, it also helps save money and reduce packaging waste. Whether it is your own tomatoes, cucumbers, apples or peppers from the garden, tasty strawberries or raspberries from the raised bed, or fragrant herbs from the windowsill – it is very easy to stock up on food in your own home. Sprouts and seedlings, for instance, thrive wonderfully in the smallest of spaces, and vegetable leftovers such as the stems of spring onions can quickly replenish supplies.

Compost is organic waste

Conscious waste fasting

Garbage is produced after shopping or cooking and many foods can only be bought pre-packaged. However, some supermarkets already offer the option of shopping loose produce. You can fill your own containers with pasta, lentils, nuts and much more. This is also an environmentally friendly alternative for detergents and cleaning products. In addition to choosing products with little or no packaging, it is advisable to bring your own shopping bags (i.e. jute or linen bags) with you when you go shopping. Equally important is conscious recycling and the composting of organic waste. The purchase of kitchen appliances should also be well considered. Which gadgets are really needed and which end up in the cupboard? Can you operate the kitchen appliances with electricity from the socket or do you need a battery for it? Batteries are particularly harmful to the environment if they are improperly disposed of and cost much more than electricity from the socket.

Even more sustainability?

You can find an overview of many other steps for treating our environment with care, as well as numerous practical tips for more sustainability in everyday life.