What you need to know about mountain hiking tours – we investigated!


As soon as the sun is blasting full power and there is not a single cloud in the sky, you get itchy feet. You feel drawn high up into the mountains, longing to breath in that clean air and open yourself up to the panoramic view. The question is whether mountain hiking tours are suitable for everyone or are there certain prerequisites one has to fulfil in order to return safely to the valley? The Eurohike-team went to investigate and compiled a few interesting facts! Have a read through…

Good preparation is never out of place

As a general rule every hiker who is light on his/her feet can roam the mountain world. Prerequisite: You need to know your own personal fitness level boundaries. Usually long tours pose a challenge for people with an untrained fitness level. And as soon as you ascend higher up, the route becomes more and more exhausting and the oxygen content in the air you breath decreases. Therefore: Assess your physical fitness level correctly! Even with a slower pace mountain hiking is a challenge for both muscles and lungs. In addition, you carry some luggage with you on your back. This must not be underestimated at all! It is better to start with a smaller tour on a more flat terrain and then improve with every additional hiking route. As the saying goes: No one is born a master – gain experience and build stamina!

An overview of our 4 levels of difficulty – which one suits you best?


The necessary know-how

The level of difficulty and danger are the two cornerstones every hiker needs to be aware of. Self-appraisal and common sense are top of the list and distinguish professional hikers from hobby-hiking tour enthusiasts. There is a reason why mountain hiking tours are graded and divided into various levels of difficulty.

But what is generally the mark of a mountain path?

1. The signposts glow in yellow as a base colour.

2. In addition, levels of difficulty are marked in red or black for both moderately difficult and difficult paths.

3. For red mountain paths: alpine experience necessary

  • Surefootedness for all hikers
  • Good physical condition
  • Basic equipment for mountaineering required (hiking boots, hiking sticks, maybe a rope, carabiner)

4. Same prerequisites for black mountain paths as for red ones. Additionally all hikers need a head for heights.

Mountain hiking tours are not suitable for everyone!

Clearly families, elderly and/or fragile people as well as inexperienced holiday makers have no place in the massive mountain world by themselves. Nevertheless you would like to ascend above 3000 metres in altitude on your holiday? Then embark on a hiking tour led by a mountain guide. That way you too will return safely and healthy to the valley.

Good preparation is the Alpha and Omega!

In addition, for longer and bolder trekking tours the Eurohike-team recommends to start with attempting shorter paths. Simply head out with your hiking boots and get some miles under your feet. Furthermore, you may want to fill your rucksack with a weight of five to ten kilos – that way you get a realistic feeling for the weight you will carry with you during a ‘real’ mountain hike. Which provisions, what kind of clothing and equipment are of advantage in the mountains, please find in the respective blog.