Fit & healthy with what we eat

Food & vitamins that ensure health and vitality!

Without any doubt, fruit and vegetables need to be an integral part of our daily diet. Balanced and colourful like the rainbow, preferably fresh from the garden and high-quality food sourced directly from the region. If you want to be active, fit and healthy, you need to pay even more attention to a balanced, varied and vitamin-rich diet in order to have the necessary energy and performance for the next sports session or an individual hiking holiday lasting over several days.

We informed ourselves and reveal on our HikingBlog which foods make us healthy, which vitamins there are and how they support our body and in addition give tips on how to preserve most of the vitamins.

Diet full of vitamins

Foods which keep and make us healthy

For many, eating a healthy diet and choosing food carefully has become the basis for their own well-being. And if you feel good, this way of eating is fun after all. But many foods are not merely random ingredients in the kitchen, but rather a real little home remedy kit. For instance, did you know that apples, onions, flaxseeds, radishes and garlic have been officially designated to remedies by the WHO? So-called nutraceuticals, i.e. foods or parts thereof, which offer an essential advantage for our health in addition to the classical nutritional value. No wonder, since the foods mentioned above can reduce inflammation and alleviate a cough, protect our cells, provide relief from abdominal pain, support our sleep and provide relief for allergy sufferers.

Fresh apples

All depends on the processing method

It should be noted that the ingredients, and thus the vitamins too, change with the way of processing. Some foods when raw are a real vitamin bomb, while others need to boiled first or pickled in order to develop the complete active ingredient. The active ingredient in an apple is a great example for this: if you eat it in its original state, it provides relief from constipation. Grated on the other hand, apples help alleviate diarrhea. Knowing about exactly these things is important in order to experience the full effect of the little home remedy kit.

Food that makes us fit and healthy

What vitamins do in our bodies

But what exactly are vitamins? We distinguish between fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin C). In order for our body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins better, they should always be taken with a meal containing some fat.

  • Support the function of the metabolic process and nervous system
  • Support and strengthen our immune system
  • Strengthen our skin, hair, nails and eyes
  • Help regenerate our cells and form new ones
  • Regulate blood clotting
  • Help with the utilisation of other nutrients such as carbohydrates, minerals or proteins

What to do when … ?

As mentioned earlier, there are a few particularly effective foods that can serve as a small home remedy kit. We will now reveal a few examples:

  • Cold & Flu Symptoms: Garlic has an anti-cold effect; yellow kiwis are real immune boosters; Aronia berries strengthen the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Skin imperfections: Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties and supports wound healing. Guava fruit, oranges or salmon contain a particularly large amount of vitamin C, but it can also be taken in the form of a high-dose vitamin C spray.
  • Discomfort & Bloating: Peppermint tea helps to relax the body, cayenne pepper improves digestion and papaya and parsley support the intestines.
  • Sleep problems: The magnesium and potassium contained in bananas relaxes the muscles, the amino acid tryptophan supports the body in the formation of melatonin and serotonin. Drinking milk before bed is not a myth, specifically it should be a mix of plant-based milk (or fresh cow’s milk) with tumeric and ginger powder, cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg and dates or honey.
  • Mood: Cashew nuts not only contain high amounts of magnesium, but also make you happy thanks to the amino acid tryptophan. The same goes for sweet dates. Always a great idea – get out into the fresh air, exercise or a embark on a pleasant hike.

Tips on how to preserve most vitamins

Healthy diet

In order to get the best out of our food and to make the most of the full range of vitamins, there are a few helpful tips on which processing or preparation method retains most of the vitamins.

  • Process & consume quickly: the longer vegetables or fruit are stored, the fewer vitamins they contain
  • It all depends on the correct method of preparation: steaming vegetables is best
  • Puree – goodbye to vitamins: when food is blended, it loses vitamins.
  • The power is in the skin: fruit and vegetables are best eaten with the skin (untreated!) since the skin contains most of the vitamins
  • The same applies to meat and fish: heat for as short a time as possible, however ensure to cook thoroughly.
Our conclusion

If you combine a varied diet with fresh, regional ingredients with a relaxed lifestyle and lots of exercise outdoors, you are guaranteed top marks in the vitamins 101! Simply fit and healthy – then all is well for the next individual hiking holiday!