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Panorama Hiking in the Val Venosta Valley

The most beautiful spots in South Tyrol

If you can call the stunning distant view of the high mountains as your constant companion, then you are on a hiking tour through the beautiful Vinschgau. Time for a break? Quaint alpine huts, historic mountain villages and traditional cuisine with lots of delicacies make a break from hiking all the more tempting.

Let your eyes fall over the lush green valley and immerse yourself in the living traditions in the picturesque South Tyrol.

Details about a hiking holiday in the Vinschgau

The Eurohike hiking tour takes you from Mals via Schulderns to Burgeis and St. Valentin through the enchanting South Tyrol. Every day something new, another exciting natural backdrop is waiting to be discovered by you. In addition to blooming alpine pastures, inviting huts and an impressive glacier world, the crystal-clear mountain lakes sparkle.

Simple switch off your thoughts and become one with nature. The here and now counts on this hiking trip and you should enjoy it to the fullest.

The highlights of the hiking trip in the beautiful Vinschgau

  • Unique and famous – the Churburg: It is one of the best-preserved medieval castles in South Tyrol and houses impressive panelling, fireplaces and other cultural assets inside.
  • 360-degree platform on the Tellajoch: One step, and the mighty mountains of Taufers open up in front of you. The platform at the Tellajoch offers a unique all-round view and never ceases to amaze.
  • Tasting Vinschgau delicacies: Whether typical flatbread, hearty mountain cheese or traditional speck: the best delicacies of the region are served at the Sesvenna hut.

Useful information about the hiking trip in the Vinschgau

What do I pack? Sturdy shoes won’t go wrong on the route through the beautiful Vinschgau. During the eight days you always hike on well-developed paths, but you have to factor in longer climbs and walking times of up to five hours. Therefore, you should have a good physical condition and a few (training) kilometres behind you.

If the legs do give up, individual stages can be shortened by bus or train.

Have you already fallen in love with the South Tyrolean Vinschgau Valley and can’t wait to start your hiking trip: Then book yourself happy now!

Mountain Hiking
Mountain Hiking
  • 8 Days / 7 Nights
  • Self-guided Tour
Travel specialist
Sarah Manglberger
+43 6219 60877 181 Contact
To the online version


Discover the alleyways of this tranquil Vinschgau market town and marvel at the numerous towers in the sunniest place of South Tyrol.

Hotel example: Zum Hirschen

Along the most beautiful Waalweg-paths you ascend into the mountaineers‘ village Matsch, gurgling watercourses accompany your route. Via the old castle ruin and the boldly laid out ‚Leitenwaal‘ you reach the prehistoric excavation site Ganglegg. In the afternoon the pretty village of Schluderns welcomes you with its proud Churburg castle, one of the best-preserved castles in South Tyrol.

Hotel example: Saldur

approx. 5 hours
18 km
800 m
950 m

After a visit to Glurns, the smallest town in the Alps, you ascend high up into the ‚Stilfserjoch‘ national park. Past the nature experience ‚Wooden-Xylophone‘ you walk through the primal fir tree forest and reach the idyllic mountain village of Taufers, the Romanic ‚Haufendorf‘ is characterized by houses huddling densely together along the steeply rising mountain sides. Today you are less than a kilometer away from the Swiss state border, a short hike takes you to the neighbouring country and the famous UNESCO monastery Müstair.

Hotel example: Chavalatsch

approx. 4 hours
10 km
450 m
150 m

Today the queen’s stage of your hiking week awaits. Past traditional mountain farms you ascend to the ridge Tellajoch, where an impressive mountain world reveals itself to you with a panoramic view on the 360°-viewing platform. The descent leads you down to Schlinig, from there a short bus ride takes you to Burgeis. For a shorter tour to Burgeis we recommend the so-called ‚Stundenweg‘ via the hamlet Schleis.

Hotel example: Das Moriggl

approx. 6.5 hours
14 km
1.400 m
900 m

Enjoy a relaxing day of rest or embark on a beautiful loop tour past the Schliniger Alp to a roaring waterfall. Situated amidst some of the highest mountain giants, only a stone’s throw away from the Swiss border, the quaint hut ‚Sesvenna Hütte‘ awaits and tempts you to take a break. Extensively explore the adventure path Watles, before gliding leisurely by cable car back down into the valley.

Hotel example: Das Moriggl

approx. 4.5 hours
11 km
650 m
200 m

From Prämajur through shady forests all the way to the Brugger-alp, where we highly recommend you sample traditional Vinschgau delicacies. Enjoy the view onto the glacial world of the Ortler-Mountains during your descent to Plagött and onwards to St. Valentin, where we recommend a stroll along the lakeside of the glistening Lake Haidersee.

Hotel example: Stocker

approx. 4 to 4.5 hours
12 km
350 m
600 m

Across the largest alluvial fan of the Alps, the ‚Malser Haide‘, you proceed across blooming meadows and past sleepy farm houses uphill into the little mountain village of Planeil. Listen to the dabbling of the Punibach-stream and allow your glance to wander over the vast valley below you. A short bus ride takes you back down to the valley to Mals.

Hotel example: Zum Hirschen

approx. 4 hours
11 km
450 m
350 m

Tour character

You always walk on well-maintained hiking paths, along the typical Waalwege-paths and in parts also on forest roads. For the in parts longer ascents and walking times of up to 6.5 hours a good basic fitness level is recommended. The ‚Königsetappe‘-stage on Day 4 can be cut short if needed, for nearly all longer tours there are always options available to cut the route short by bus/train.

Prices and events

All data for 2024 at a glance
Prices and services may vary depending on the travel year
Select travel year:
Place of arrival: Mals
  Season 1
07.06.2024 - 16.06.2024
09.09.2024 - 22.09.2024

Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Season 2
17.06.2024 - 30.06.2024
26.08.2024 - 08.09.2024

Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Season 3
01.07.2024 - 25.08.2024

Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Panorama Hiking in the Val Venosta Valley, 8 days, IT-SJWMA-08X
Base price
Surcharge single room 155.00 155.00 155.00

Category: beautiful 3***-hotels and country hotels

Season 1
Jun 7, 2024 - Jun 16, 2024
Sep 9, 2024 - Sep 22, 2024
Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Season 2
Jun 17, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024
Aug 26, 2024 - Sep 8, 2024
Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Season 3
Jul 1, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024
Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Panorama Hiking in the Val Venosta Valley, 8 days, IT-SJWMA-08X
Base price
Surcharge single room

Category: beautiful 3***-hotels and country hotels

Season 1
Jun 7, 2024 - Jun 16, 2024
Sep 9, 2024 - Sep 22, 2024
Season 2
Jun 17, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024
Aug 26, 2024 - Sep 8, 2024
Season 3
Jul 1, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024
Double room p. P.
Surcharge single room
Additional nights
Place of arrival: Mals
  Season 1
Jun 7, 2024 - Jun 16, 2024
Sep 9, 2024 - Sep 22, 2024

Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Season 2
Jun 17, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024
Aug 26, 2024 - Sep 8, 2024

Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Season 3
Jul 1, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024

Arrival Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Double room p. P. 69.00 69.00 69.00
Surcharge single room 25.00 25.00 25.00
Prices per person in EUR

Services and infos



  • Accommodation as already mentioned
  • Breakfast
  • Luggage transfer
  • Welcome briefing (German, English)
  • 1 Descent cable car Watles


  • Carefully elaborated route description
  • Detailed travel documents 1x per room (German, English, French)
  • App for Navigation and GPS-data
  • Service hotline

Arrival / Parking / Departure:

  • By train to Landeck (North Tyrol) and by bus in approx. 2 hours to Mals (1x change). Or by train via Bolzano and Merano directly to Mals.
  • Innsbruck or Munich airports.
  • Parking: limited number of hotel parking spaces and public parking spaces near the hotel. Guarded parking spaces at the train station, free of charge.


Things to note:

  • Tourist tax, if due, is not included in the price
  • Bus rides (Schluderns – Glurns, Schlinig – Burgeis, Burgeis – Schlinig, Prämajur – Burgeis, Burgeis – Prämajur, Planeil – Mals), approx. EUR 10 per person
  • Special dates on request
  • Further important information according to the package travel law can be found here!

From our hiking blog

Contact & booking
Do you still have questions about the tour? We are happy to help and look forward to your inquiry.
Travel specialist
"I will help you with the planning of your holidays with advice and action"
Sarah Manglberger, Travel specialist
Book now


4.8 of 5 Stars (4 Ratings)
4 stars
Alfons Lachnit DE | 06.10.2022
Erlebnisreiche Wanderung.
Wir waren zu viert. Der Routenverlauf war gut geplant. Die Unterkünfte waren gut gewählt. Besonders bleibt das Hotel Saldur in bester Erinnerung. Sinnvoll wäre, das Wanderangebot mit Halbpension anbieten zu können.
Helene Edtmeier
Helene Edtmeier answered:
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Reisefeedback. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie mit unserer Organisation der Reise zufrieden waren. Halbpension ist bei dieser Reise aus organisatorischen Gründen nicht möglich. Wir hoffen, wir haben mit unseren Restaurant-Empfehlungen im Routenbuch Ihren Geschmack getroffen. Beste Grüße!
5 stars
Sieglinde O. DE | 03.10.2022
Sehr schöne Wanderreise im Vinschgau
Am schönsten waren die Waalwanderwege.
5 stars
Stefan Preusche DE | 26.09.2022
Einmalige Bergerlebnisse mit tollen Weitblicken und Rundumsichten verbunden mit schönen Dörfern und Kulturstätten.
Bis auf eine Ausnahme gut geschnittene Etappen für den "normalen" Bergwanderer". Die Königsetappe am 4. Tag ist unserer Meinung nach für den durchschnittlichen Bergwanderer nicht zu schaffen, ohne Unterstützung zu Beginn der Etappe. Als Option ist in den Reiseunterlagen angemerkt, dass an bestimmten Tagen mit einem Wanderbus die ersten 500 Höhenmeter überwunden werden können. Den Bus scheint es wohl nicht mehr zu geben. Die angegebene Rufnummer für ein Wandertaxi ist nicht mehr gültig. Ein Wandertaxi kann im Vorfeld über die Tourismuszentrale in Mals gebucht werden. Uns hat letztendlich der Wirt vom Hotel Chavalatsch den Transfer zur Eggalm organisiert. Somit ist die sehr schöne Etappe im Hochgebirge dann für uns möglich geworden. Ein Hinweis noch zu dieser Etappe: Die Laatscher Alm ist bewirtschaftet und lädt zur Rast. Positiv anzumerken sind die in den aktuellen Informationen zur Tour aufgeführten sehr gut funktionierende Busverbindungen für jeden Tag. Wir haben diese mehrfach genutzt: Z.B. zur Verkürzung der Tour am ersten Tag und wir Vom Bergdorf Matsch mit dem Bus zurückgefahren. Des weiteren haben wir wegen Regenwetter den Tourenverlauf an den letzten beiden Tagen abgeändert. Die Busverbindungen haben dies problemlos ermöglicht. Wir hatten eine Mischung von der einfachen Pension bis zum 4* Hotel. Jedes Haus hatte seinen Charme und überall aufgeschlossene und hilfsbereite Menschen. Wir, das ist eine Gruppe von 6 bergbegeisterten Herren im besten Alter :-)).
Valerie Haring
Valerie Haring answered:
Vielen Dank für Ihr tolles Feedback und auch für Ihre Hinweise zu unseren Reiseunterlagen! Gerne werden wir Ihre Information an unser Produktmanagement weitergeben, sodass die Transfer Option zum Start bei der Königsetappe überprüft wird. Wir würden uns sehr freuen Sie wieder einmal auf einer unserer Wanderreise begrüßen zu dürfen!
5 stars
Claudia K. AT | 12.09.2021
Der Name der Tour "Panoramawandern" verspricht auf jeden Fall nicht zu wenig. Denn auf jeder einzelnen Wanderetappen hat man einen atemberaubenden Panoramablick. Auch die urigen Almen haben uns sehr gut gefallen und das Essen ist wirklich lecker. Zusammengefasst ein sehr gelungener und wunderschöner Wanderurlaub im Vinschgau. Wir werden auf alle Fälle wieder kommen, denn Südtirol ist ein echtes Wanderparadies.

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