
Weser bike path | Sportive

Weser cycle path | Variations

In 6 days from Hann. Münden to Bremen

Urban lifestyle, wide landscapes, beautiful river courses - and finally the sea! So far and free that everyday life falls away from you and a feeling of relaxation immediately sets in. The Weser Cycle Route, with its approx. 520 kilometres, is an ideal destination for active explorers. Our sporty route starts in Hann. Münden and leads to Bremen in six days. Alternatively, you can extend the tour to Bremerhaven or Cuxhaven. 

The sporty tour in brief 

You start your journey at the source of the Weser in Hann. Münden, where the Fulda and Werra join at the Weserstein. Even the first stage offers several highlights over a distance of 83 kilometres. After a detour via the imposing Bursfelde Monastery, the delightful Bad Karlshafen and the charming little towns of Fürstenberg, Höxter and Beverungen are waiting to be explored by you. Day 3 has at least as much to offer: Past the magnificent Corvey Castle and the "Pied Piper Town" of Hamelin, the tour leads to Rinteln, where you should enjoy the regional culinary delights on the magnificent market square. 

The tour continues to the Mittelweser region, where windmills meet monasteries and characteristic lowlands meet pristine moorland. Get to know the country and its people on the farms you pass on your journey. The region is agricultural, but in many places it is also wildly romantic and unspoilt. In Verden you can breathe city air again before the last and shortest stage takes you to Bremen. 

Regional treasures along the route
City, country, river - the six-day tour is as varied as the region itself. The picturesque towns are bursting with art, culture and history. Around 700 half-timbered houses adorn the historic trading town of Hann. Münden. Stroll through the alleyways in Hameln, treat yourself to an asparagus dish in Nienburg and explore the Hanseatic city of Bremen at length. Here you will not only be tempted by the famous Town Musicians, but also the Schnoor and the UNESCO World Heritage Site around the market square and cathedral. Be sure to try Knipp and Labskaus in the many traditional and contemporary restaurants and the infamous "Sluk ut de Lamp" at Spitzen Gebel. 

As for the land and the river, you will be enchanted by the extraordinary region. In some places, the clocks seem to have stopped. Take a deep breath, feel inside yourself and simply shake off the worries of everyday life. The picturesque floodplains, the characteristic marshlands and geest landscapes and the sheer endless expanse will cast a spell over you.  

  • 6 Days / 5 Nights
  • Self-guided tour
Markus Hüneke
Markus Hüneke
+49 (0)441 485 97 13 Contact
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Do you still have questions about the tour? We are happy to help and look forward to your inquiry.
Markus Hüneke
"When planning your next active vacation, I will be very happy to assist you with advice and support."
Markus Hüneke
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Your personal tour information and handing over of the bicycles (if booked) is in the evening. A first tour by bicycle you can undertake to the old town of Hann. Münden. We recommend a little stroll through the medieval centre of Hann. Münden with the historic half timbered houses of the Weser Renaissance is very interesting. You will love the splendid old houses.

Start of the bicycle tour on the Weser Rock, exactly where Werra and Fulda embrace each other. You cycle via Reinhardshagen and past the ancient Benedictine monastery Bursfelde to the baroque Huguenot's town Bad Karlshafen. The centre of Bad Karlshafen with its lovely reconstructed baroque houses presents an interesting diversion to the otherwise usual half-timbered houses. A number of highlights can be encountered along the route: the town Fürstenberg with a renowned porcelain manufacture, the old hanseatic town Höxter with more than 160 mostly half timbered buildings under monuments-protection. The little town Beverungen retained a lot of its historical face. Holzminden is well known for the production of aroma-essences and perfume-oils. (approx. 82 km)

Many an idyllic village on the road invites you to stay. The little town Bodenwerder got certain fame for being the home of the so called "Lying Baron" of Münchhausen. The famous town of the "Rat Catcher from Hameln" has an intact old town with marvellous half-timbered houses and buildings in the typical style of the Weser Renaissance, dating back to the 16th and 17th century. (approx. 84 km)

Near Porta Westfalica the river breaks through the Wiehen- and Weser mountain ranges and reaches the Northern German lowlands. The small town Rinteln, originating from the 13th century still has many buildings from the Weser Renaissance. Bad Oeynhausen has the world biggest carbonic acid thermal spring. Minden once was a flourishing trading centre but was destroyed in great parts during World War II. It was reconstructed in an exemplary way. After the days spent in the low mountain ranges today the idyllic, protected river meadows of the middle Weser dominate. You enjoy a far view over the flat countryside with meadows, black and white cows, a farm here and there and numerous wind mills. (approx. 80 km)

Characteristic for Nienburg is the strong fortification and the nice old town still is worth a visit. Today you discover the historic landscape of the middle Weser. The county Hoja are crossed on today's tour. Native villages and wide-spread farms are situated on the Wesermarsh land. After the day in nature the city of riders, Verden, forms the great end of the day. The town is dominated by the dome. The reputation as important rider and horse centre, adds to the significance of the town. (approx. 81 km)

Away from the traffic and through park-like areas you reach the centre of Bremen. The city has the second largest North-Sea port and a great importance for the sea trade. A sight seeing tour of the old town, as well as the Schnoorviertel, the monument of Roland and the monument of the "Bremer Musicians" are absolutely a must. Individual departure. (approx. 53 km)

The route

The Weser River Cycle Path follows mainly side roads with only scarce traffic as well as dedicated asphalted cycle paths and country roads. Only few differences in altitude have to be managed, therefore this cycle path is highly recommended for beginners or families with children.

Prices and events

All data for 2024 at a glance
Place of arrival: Hann Muenden
  Season 1
13.04.2024 - 24.04.2024
29.09.2024 - 05.10.2024

Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Season 2
25.04.2024 - 17.05.2024
15.09.2024 - 28.09.2024

Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Season 3
18.05.2024 - 14.09.2024

Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Hann. Münden - Bremen, sportive tour, 6 days, cat. A, DE-WERHB-06A
Base price
Surcharge single room 189.00 189.00 189.00
Hann. Münden - Bremen, sportive tour, 6 days, cat. B, DE-WERHB-06B
Base price
Surcharge single room 169.00 169.00 169.00
Season 1
Apr 13, 2024 - Apr 24, 2024
Sep 29, 2024 - Oct 5, 2024
Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Season 2
Apr 25, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Sep 15, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Season 3
May 18, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024
Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Hann. Münden - Bremen, sportive tour, 6 days, cat. A, DE-WERHB-06A
Base price
Surcharge single room
Hann. Münden - Bremen, sportive tour, 6 days, cat. B, DE-WERHB-06B
Base price
Surcharge single room
Season 1
Apr 13, 2024 - Apr 24, 2024
Sep 29, 2024 - Oct 5, 2024
Season 2
Apr 25, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Sep 15, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
Season 3
May 18, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024
Hann Muenden
Double room p. P. cat. A
Surcharge single room
Double room p. P. cat. A
Surcharge single room
Hann Muenden
Double room p. P. cat. B
Surcharge single room
Double room p. P. cat. B
Surcharge single room
Additional nights
Place of arrival: Hann Muenden
  Season 1
Apr 13, 2024 - Apr 24, 2024
Sep 29, 2024 - Oct 5, 2024

Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Season 2
Apr 25, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Sep 15, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024

Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Season 3
May 18, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024

Arrival daily, except wednesdays
Hann Muenden
Double room p. P. cat. A 68.00 68.00 68.00
Surcharge single room 40.00 40.00 40.00
Double room p. P. cat. A 65.00 65.00 65.00
Surcharge single room 38.00 38.00 38.00
Hann Muenden
Double room p. P. cat. B 62.00 62.00 62.00
Surcharge single room 32.00 32.00 32.00
Double room p. P. cat. B 62.00 62.00 62.00
Surcharge single room 38.00 38.00 38.00
21-gear unisex
21-gear gents
7-gear unisex
Rental bike premium
Electric bike
Prices per person in EUR

Services & Extras

  • 5 nights in hotels and guesthouses in the booked category
  • Breakfast
  • Personal tour information on site (German, English)
  • Luggage transfer from hotel to hotel
  • best elaborated route
  • Detailed travel documents*, 1x per room (German)
  • Navigation app and GPS-tracks available
  • Insurance rental bike
  • 7-days-service-hotline

Not included

  • Arrival and departure
  • costs for parking
  • city tax
  • transfers
  • optional sightseeings
  • city maps
  • Travel Insurance
  • costs of private expenses


*Please note that the route description is in german language. But the signs of the Weser bike path really good and you get the bikeline in Germany. The maps are good and if you want, you can get GPS as well.



Cat. A: Parking in the hotel parking lot, approx. € 7,- per day (subject to availability) or underground parking for approx. € 17,- per day in the hotel.
Cat. B: Parking subject to availability. Public parking spaces near the hotel.

Return transfer

By train in approx. 3 hours or return transfer by minibus € 95,- per person, for the return transport of your own bike we charge € 39,- extra. Limited places, reservation required when booking, payable in advance with the invoice. We recommend that you use this transfer as an outward transfer. Then your car will already be parked in Bremen and you can drive home when you want.


Category A: comfortable hotels and guest houses, mostly in the 3***- and 4***-category, situated in the centre.

Category B: middle-class hotels and guest houses, mostly 2**- and 3***-category, in the surroundings of the city.

Important notes

Further important information according to the package travel law can be found here!


4.4 of 5 Stars (8 Ratings)
5 stars
Jan Bossuyt BE | 02.10.2023
Eine sehr schöne Reise ins Wesertal
Hallo Ich wollte mich schon viel früher melden, aber hier dann doch unsere Bewertung. Die Weser war für uns eine echte Entdeckung, wir waren überrascht über die Verschiedenheit an Strecken. Obwohl es ein paar Strecken Schotterweg gab, hat uns das - mit unseren Rennrädern - nicht gestört. Die Abwechslung von Strecken und Landschaften hat uns sehr gefreut. Über den Service von Rückenwind kann ich nur sagen : Topp ! Mein Fahrrad hatte Schaden wegen den Transport, der Außenmantel meines Vorderrad war kaputt, und weil wir am Sonntag starten sollten, hatte kein Fahrradladen offen. Nach einem kurzem Telefonat gab es sofort eine Lösung, am nächsten Morgen habe ich einen Ersatzrad bekommen, und bin die ganze Reise damit gefahren. Am Ende stand mein eigenes Rad repariert im Hotel, Klasse ! (Vielleicht mal nachdenken wie man in Zukungt Rennräder besser transportieren kann, ich denke, das in Zukunft viele Gravelfahrer auf Ihnen zukommen werden. Für die Hotels habe ich per Mail eine separate Liste geschickt mit unseren Bewertungen. In kurzem : es gab keine schlechte Hotels. Abendessen war auch kein Problem, entweder mit Hilfe des Hotelpersonals oder selber etwas ausgesucht. Die Unterlagen sind gut, die Ausgeschilderte Routen auch, GPX files sind nicht immer akkurat, aber das passiert öfter. Das war kein Problem. Wir machen jede 2 Jahre einen Radtour und ich habe schon gesehen, dass es noch viele schöne Möglichkeiten gibt, auch mit Rennräder. Dabei denke ich an die Elbe oder einen Rundfahrt in der Pfalz. Danke für den Service, die schnelle Antworten auf meine viele Fragen. Wir werden auf jeden Fall gute Werbung für Ihnen machen. Bis irgendwann in der Zukunft, wir hören uns wieder Jan Bossuyt für die ganze Truppe die diese Reise gemacht hat
Anke Tammen
Anke Tammen answered:
Das ist ja eine tolle Rückmeldung👍. Vielen Dank für die anschauliche Schilderung und Ihre separaten Hotelbewertungen. Unsere Weserabteilung wird das auswerten und freut sich über diese Details und auch über Ihr Lob an unser internes Team. Unsere Kollegen vor Ort helfen wo Sie können und gerne leiten wir Ihren Dank auch dorthin weiter. Wenn es wieder soweit ist, dass Sie eine Aktivwoche einlegen möchten sind wir gerne für Sie da🚴🚴🚴.
5 stars
Ulrike D. DE | 28.08.2023
Sehr schön
Hameln, Minden
4 stars
ursula Stüwe DE | 24.06.2023
Unterbringung Gästehaus Stolzenau, da wird man persönlich betreut - in Hotels mit *** oder **** Sternen "macht der Gast das meiste selbst"! Ausserdem gab es dort das beste Rührei zum Frühstück - Hotels können da nicht mithalten. Radweg nach Porta Westfalica / Minden eher langweilig geführt, weil meistens weit weg vom Fluß.
Anke Tammen
Anke Tammen answered:
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, Ihre Eindrücke zu schildern. Es stimmt, dass sich unsere manche Gäste in Pensionen und Gästehäusern oftmals wohler fühlen als in anonymeren Mittelklasse- und Komforthotels, die freundliche Atmosphäre und der persönliche Service machen es aus. Schön, dass es Ihnen dort so gut gefallen hat. Allerdings müssen wir auch Hotels buchen, da wir recht große Kapazitäten benötigen - auch da gibt es sehr gute Häuser mit schönem Ambiente.
5 stars
VOLKER S. DE | 07.08.2021
Wunderschöne Flußradstrecke
Leicht zu fahren, keine nennenswerten Steigungen, fast ausschließlich auf asphaltiert, geringe Radführung auf Nebenstraßen. Highlights (allerdings jeweils mit Anstieg): Sky-Walk bei Bad Karlshafen, Porta Westfalica bei Minden
4 stars
Heribert Closhen DE | 10.07.2021
Entspannende, gut organisierte Radtour
4 stars
Gerhard Salo DE | 02.07.2021
Jede Region hat ihre eigenen Reize
4 stars
Inge Poulsen DK | 27.08.2018
Schöner Natur, charmierende Städte und super Gepäcktransfer
Es war schön Munchhausen kennenzulernen. Weinfestiwal in Hameln als wir vorbeikamen. Viele schöne Städte.
4 stars
Barbara Wolf DE | 01.07.2018
Empfehlenswerte Tour
Nachdem wir den Weserradweg 2017 bis Bremen geradelt hatten (leider teilweise im Regen) haben wir in diesem Jahr die Route bis Cuxhaven absolviert, und dieses mal ohne Regen. Gut, dass wir mit GPS -Daten versorgt waren, das macht vieles einfacher, zumal die Beschilderung unterwegs unzulänglich ist.
Marscha Büsing
Marscha Büsing answered:
Schön, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat.
Hallo Frau Wolf, danke für Ihr Feedback. Das Wetter ist momentan wirklich hervorragend und die Weser ist immer eine Reise wert.

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